The following are various resources for coaches, some of which are on AYSO National's website.
AYSO Forms & Documents for Coaches - This page contains various coach related information.
Drills and Practices - This AYSO site provides AYSO's discounted access to website at a discounted rate. You can use the Basic version to check it out for free or pay for a yearly subscription at a reduced rate. Also visit AYSOU for additional coach training.
Game Lineup Cards (PDF) - This is the game card you fill out and give to the referee.
Regional Policies and Protocols
Game Lineup Template (M.S. Excel) - This is used to set up your line up and track who played what position each game.
AYSO Incident Report Form - This form is used whenever there is a personal injury, damaged property or threats of or actual physical violence surrounding an AYSO game, practice , event or property. The form should be completed by the coach, AYSO Official or other AYSO Volunteer. Return the completed form to [email protected].